Train The Trainer

What is it?

An amazing opportunity for you to develop a high-level QQI Level 6 Special Award qualification to support you in your career pathway

How long is it?

1 day each week for 10 weeks typically
Saturday (Friday option available)

What type of training is covered?

QQI Level 6 Training Needs: Identification and Design
QQI Level 6 Training: Delivery and Evaluation
All Qualifications are ICTU Validated

Who is this for?

We’ve designed this course for unemployed people and those working in Leadership at a Community Level.

What is the cost?

The course is available free of charge and is funded through

Places will be limited and dates will be announced through all social media outlets.

What’s next?

If you’re interested in the Train the Trainer course and you would like to avail of a free place then please contact